Deep Carpet Cleaning in Laguna Niguel, CA

carpet cleaning in laguna niguel california
Carpet Cleaning in Laguna Niguel, California
June 7, 2019
same day carpet cleaning in laguna niguel
Same Day Carpet Cleaning in Laguna Niguel.
June 24, 2019

Extreme Case of Deep Carpet Cleaning in Laguna Niguel, CA.

We would like to share a story of a recent capet cleaning service in Laguna Niguel. When we arrived to the house we realized immediate that we are facing several issues with the carpet. However, it was most evident that the carpet has not been cleaned in several years. So, as soon as we walked in the home we could smell a strong pet stain odor and smoke. The customers are smoking inside the house and the odor sticks to the carpet. Therefore, we knew we had to use our most effective carpet cleaning formula in its purest form. This carpet cleaning in Laguna Niguel is about to become an extreme deep carpet cleaning in Laguna Niguel.

Pre-Treating For Deep Carpet Cleaning in Laguna Niguel, CA.

The pre-treatment phase is very important. We take it very serious and understand that it would set the tone for the entire cleaning. By applying the right amount of products mixture, we allow it to settle in the carpet. With roughly 30 minutes of our product agitated and works its way in the carpet, the results are much better. In addition, the anto bacterial formula that we add to the mix gets the extra time to work its way also deep into the pad.

Steam Carpet Cleaning in Laguna Niguel, CA.

After applying all the right products into the carpet, a truly deep steam extraction carpet cleaning is a must. In this case we had a lot of product to remove off the carpet. In addition, we had residue of over the counter products to remove as well. Products the customer has applied on the carpet over the years. Therefore, our strong equipment is able to build steam carpet cleaning effect, while also the dual suction ability helps to remove all the dirt of your carpet.

For more information about our deep carpet cleaning in Laguna Niguel, please contact Dr. Carpet Laguna Niguel.

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